Sunday, November 9, 2014

A 10K Through Pictures.

Last Sunday I forced myself to get out of bed at 6:00 AM to get dressed and out of the house to run/walk my first timed race, the Biggest Loser Run/Walk at Great Adventure.

Grumpy Courtney.
Originally I planned on dressing like She-Ra, however the temperature dropped overnight and Sunday turned out to be the coldest day we've had yet this season. She-Ra went out the door and instead I ended up looking a little more Bag Lady Rocky, but that's actually pretty fitting.

Decisions. Decisions. Decisions.
Then I went and picked up ToniAnn, who was dressed like Rainbow Bright and utterly adorable and not grumpy. Not grumpy at all. We arrived and took the obligatory "We are Here!" picture.

We are here!
Then we stood in the cold. That wasn't so fun. Then the race started. That wasn't so fun either, if we are being honest, which I've pledged to always be during this journey. However, it wasn't fun while I was walking/jogging at let's keep some perspective. While it pains me to share these, if there aren't pics, it didn't happen, right?!

I really thought...

I was going to magically look amazing while running.
So, that was me running. As you can see, I was yucking it up there out on the course! Just a super positive my grumpy hat...and huffy face.

However.... I finished!!!!!!!!!!!
So shiny!

When I hit the 5K mark, I saw my time was around 49 minutes. I won't lie, I felt kind of disappointed. I really wanted to be at 45 minutes. That got me down for a bit and then I realized I didn't start exactly when the clock went off, so maybe I had a few minute grace period. My final race time was 1:36. That's not too bad when you consider I haven't really started training hard and this is my starting point. I submitted it to RunDisney and they put me at finishing the 1/2 marathon at 3:31. Also disappointing as the max time is 3:30. However, I need to shake that thinking off.

Vision quests aren't easy. There are hurdles. And I plan to stomp on those mothereffin' hurdles.

More honesty..I have no idea who these people are.
I don't watch the show. Super nice though!

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